Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Misty mornings in Wilpattu and a trail off-the-beaten-track - October and December 2012

There's something about the 'first light' on a misty morning that makes you feel so alive! Is it the play of light on a grey-ish landscape? Such indescribable beauty that no camera can do justice to. 

A bush walk on a community trail off-the-beaten-track and a safari drive inside the stunning Wilpattu Park. Two really, really cold misty mornings in the months of October and December 2012. Worth dragging ourselves out of our cozy slumber and a hurried cup of tea, before dawn. Some of our friends think we're insane, well ok, maybe just a little bit...but we do love our photography as much as our wildlife.

Our safaris are not just about what wildlife you see...

It's how you see life in the wild.

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