Friday, July 19, 2013

Leopards of Wilpattu, Sri Lanka -  View in Full Screen and 720p (HD)

When all eyes are on Yala National park - and rightly so, as the park renowned to have the highest density of Leopards in the World, we prefer to safari into somewhere a little less crowded.

Some of our best images have been captured at Wilpattu; the largest and one of the most beautiful National Parks in the island. I love the magnificent saucer shaped water holes or 'Willu's fringed by the whitest of sand....and if you happen to come across a beautiful predator (or even two) among the centuries old trees or vast grassland, it's more like than not, that yours will be the only jeep on safari.

On an experiential safari with +Ayu in the Wild Safaris, Sri Lanka you will learn about Leopard behaviour, stalking tactics, track their prints on the sand, identify specific adults, sub-adults and family groups, understand their nocturnal behavior and how, other animals signal the sign of Leopard through distinct alarm calls...

Wilpattu, srilanka
Wilpattu NP, Sri Lanka


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